Installing Razor-QT in Fedora 16
idea and to do things
getting an alternative start menu in fluxbox
fluxbox's famous right-click rootmenu. i wanted something that when i
click, i get the menu. now i found it.
the project is ftmenu and it is at sourceforge.
before you try to compile, make sure you install gtk2-devel (name may
vary depend on distro, mine is fedora 16)
fluxbox for total newbies
just love the simplicity, but if you dont know what to do, you will be
bored so fast
so here is a link to you, newbies to get up and start customizing fluxbox,
twitter for blackberry shortcuts
twitter for blackberry version (updated on december 17, 2011)
just making this so i wont forget.
D = refresh
R = reply
L = reply all
T = top of timeline
B = bottom of timeline
F = Retweet / Quote Tweet
C = Compose tweet, make a new tweet
still cannot find shortcut for DM. hurm.
some taken for here
and tested myself
make gedit more usable
just check the info here
and if you want to install
yum install gedit-plugins
ps: not comfortable yet with vim. haha
Mint Gnome Shell Extensions (MGSE) on Fedora 16
here is the list of extensions
i tried the mediaplayer and it turned out great, and its working with
fedora default music player, Rythmbox
the packages are not in the repo yet, so beware of bugs!
Ailurus - for people new to linux
synaptics manager.
and it also have other functions too, such as
- listing your hardware (but i already have system profiler),
- system settings (on fedora, there are only 3 areas, firefox,
hostname, memory)
- install software (like synaptics but with added things)
- repository (you can edit repo i guess, but mine shows the bug menu)
- recover rpm (something like system restore in windows, can take a
snapshot of your system)
- clean up (like ccleaner in win)
- computer doctor (give suggestions on settings. eg. use colourful
bash prompt symbols)
- preference, study linux..etc
for fedora just
yum install ailurus
Lepak dgn unknown uncle
Die pakai baju kerja, lusuh sikit, ade lambang york kat poket baju. Aku pun cakap la, "wah boss, bisnes ape?"
Uncle: buat eletrical, wiring
Aku: owh, pakcik pun ade jugak buat
Uncle: kalau air cond nak pasang pun boleh panggil. Kita boleh buat
Aku: owh (ok topic mula jadi lame)
Aku: err, uncle, just nak tanya satu soalan, mana lagi bagus, kerja sendiri atau kerja bawah org.
Uncle: untuk siapa?
Aku: katakanlah, untuk saya, kalau baru lepas grad.
Uncle: lu kerja la dengan org dulu. Kerja dgn org, nanti boleh belajar.
Aku: so nanti boleh bukak kedai sendiri. Mcm tu?
Uncle: ya la. Kalau awak bukak kedai, takde itu experience, mcm mana? Nanti kalau ade pekerja, awak tatau nak arahkan suruh buat apa.
Aku: betul,betul
Memang org bangsa cina suka bisnes dan seperti kat dialog tadi, itu step yg penting. Biase antara sanak saudara aku pun, aku tengok, bisnes diorg main terjah sahaja. Takde role model nak ditiru. Tq random uncle kawan boss aku. Haha. U might changed my future, who knows rite? Haha.
Wtf girl?
Ade gurl ni aku boleh katakan menunjuk ape sahaja die buat. At the same time, few gurls start berbuat demikian. Kejadah hape hang. Macam nak fight sapa paling power lak. Memula memang la nampak macam tweet biasa, ada kat mana, dll. tapi kalau dah asek nak describe bagai, people know, i know. dem, aku pun ade gak buat ni, tapi tu zaman noob kot. lol
dem, terpublish sebelum sempat nak habiskan. ok sambung
pastu ade gurl lain lak ranting pasal kenapa orang suka judge die. apedem. kenapa nak ditakutkan dengan judging orang? just live your life. at least some point in your life, you need people judging you. eg. weh, kawan ko rasa baju yang aku pakai ni sesuai tak.
next gurl ni rasa down sangat. well ini tak boleh cakap apa la. still felt very sad for her. kekandang ade gak masa kita kene nangis kan, macam nak imbangkan gelak tawa kita selama ni. lol, pepandai buat teori.
tapi dalam kekusutan ni, ade gak dapat a few interesting conclusion, thanks kepada yang respon.
ok dah itu je kot. conclusion tu baik aku simpan je la. tayah share kot.
btw, rant ni tersangatla random.
to find a string or word in a bunch of files in a directory
use this command
find . | xargs grep 'string' -sl
Awesome framework for joomla and wordpress
well its the simplest framework i found so far. positioning widgets,
menus, etc etc easily
only the downside is the framework just gives the basic styling
options. so at least you know how to edit css you are good to go.
Promotion for campuscamp
Campuscamp is about sharing knowledge. It is open for everyone and topic can be about anything.
How to make good coffee
How to format laptop
Promoting a coming event
Music demo
How does blog = money
Making business plans
...The possibilities are endless!
some xchat scrips
well this is the ones that makes sense to me. others, need to learn more. haha
Making presentation interesting
Install / Upgrade Fedora using 2 USB flash drive
bootable flash drive using the dvd image needed size more than 8 GB,
so he told me how he did it with 2 4GB flash drives. Being a student,
well sometimes there are items we just rather use things that are
laying around than buying. So he has one 4GB and borrowed another 4GB
flash drive from his friend.
so we have 2 USB flash drive, both is 4GB
simply the idea is make a small bootable flash drive using boot.iso
and when booting we point the image to the other flash drive.
where do i get the boot.iso image?
well go to any mirror and paste this at the end
"/releases/16/Fedora/i386/os/images/" and of course, do change 16 and
i386 if you are feeling that this is already outdated.
use unetbootin to make a bootable flash drive using boot.iso and make
sure boot.iso from the version you are upgrading.
put the dvd image in the other flash drive.
so, you have 2 flash drive, one is the bootable flash drive with the
boot.iso image and one is the fedora dvd image
boot from flash drive and at the Select Partition part(something that
looks like this,
find your fedora dvd image from the other flash drive and continue
installing / upgrading.
Just killing yum
install is not complete
checkout the pid using this command
ps aux | grep yum
kill use signal 9
or use top and kill with signal 9
Just an old american song
well i dunno any story behind this song, but this still applies to our society today, how peoples are brain-washed silently and in this case, it is school students.
here are the lyrics
What Did You Learn in School Today?
Words and Music by Tom Paxton
What did you learn in school today,Dear little boy of mine?
What did you learn in school today,
Dear little boy of mine?
I learned that Washington never told a lie.
I learned that soldiers seldom die.
I learned that everybody's free.
And that's what the teacher said to me.
That's what I learned in school today.
That's what I learned in school.
What did you learn in school today,
Dear little boy of mine?
What did you learn in school today,
Dear little boy of mine?
I learned that policemen are my friends.
I learned that justice never ends.
I learned that murderers die for their crimes.
Even if we make a mistake sometimes.
That's what I learned in school today.
That's what I learned in school.
What did you learn in school today,
Dear little boy of mine?
What did you learn in school today,
Dear little boy of mine?
I learned our government must be strong.
It's always right and never wrong.
Our leaders are the finest men.
And we elect them again and again.
That's what I learned in school today.
That's what I learned in school.
What did you learn in school today,
Dear little boy of mine?
What did you learn in school today,
Dear little boy of mine?
I learned that war is not so bad.
I learned of the great ones we have had.
We fought in Germany and in France.
And some day I might get my chance.
That's what I learned in school today.
That's what I learned in school.
Troubleshooting GRUB2 To Dual boot Fedora 16 with Windows 7
the selection menu.
i found this and the solution is just a one liner command only. thank god.
make sure you have os-prober installed.
and type this command :
su -
grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
this will put in your windows automatically in the selection menu.
Booting Fedora 16
it via live usb. seems great. better than fedora 15. thinking i will
be using fedora again this time. hardware intergration is good. will
trying dualbooting after this.
Creepy stalker
Sent: Nov 8, 2011 12:33p
Aku yg stalk orang, aku yg rasa creepy. Mana taknye, dah sampai google maps bagai.
sent via UberSocial for BlackBerry
On Twitter:
Pastikan korang jangan jadi mangsa stalker.
Boleh jer pakai foursquare tapi kene beringat laa. Memang ade privacy mode untuk check in kat rumah, tapi still ade bahayanya. Lagipun kalau tujuan korang check in sekadar kejar mayor dan badge, maap laa you are doing it wrongly. Kalau ikut pendapat aku, foursquare biasanya digunakan untuk beritahu di mana anda, supaya sesiapa berdekatan boleh meet up. Selain itu, digunakan juga untuk promote brand. Dengan itu, sekian sahaja blog from my bed kali ini. Wakakaa
Playing with blogger
Barcamp KL 2011 in MMU, Cyberjaya #barcampkl
Joomla Day 2011 #jd11my #jdmy
Live update tekan sini.
4 Langkah Untuk Mendapatkan Wanita Idaman di Facebook
Hilang stress dengan segera!
ok, sangat stress. Jadi sebelum mirul siapkan assignment yang banyak sangat hari ni. mirul nak share sikit apa yang patut dilakukan kalau korang stress. moga moga korang praktikkan bila perlu :D
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sumber |
Itu yang penting sekali. Buat yang wajib dulu sebelum kerja yang lain. Selepas itu berdoa agar korang dapat hilangkan ketensionan korang.
2. Berjalan di luar
kalau korang rasa macam rimas sangat dalam bilik, atau rumah, itu petanda untuk korang keluar. Jangan terperuk lama sangat, sebab stress akan lebih melarat. Ambil angin di luar walaupun hanya di depan pintu pagar rumah. Alihkan pemikiran tentang kerja ke benda lain yang korang boleh lihat.
3. Tengok video yang kelakar
Stress selalunya hilang bila kita rasa lucu dan kelakar. Korang cuba tengok video dari NigaHiga ataupun video bayi ketawa untuk hilangkan stress dengan cepat. Takpun korang layan Lolcats.
4. Tarik nafas dalam dalam
Bila stress, nafas kita akan pendek dan kita akan rasa lebih tak sabar. Kita akan rasa lebih hilang pertimbangan. Tarik nafas dengan perlahan, dan dalam dalam. Dengan menarik nafas dalam dalam akan menyedarkan otak kita dan kita akan rasa lebih tenang.
ok, hilang sikit stress ni, baru boleh sambung buat kerja, heee
Twitter: Follow dan Unfollow [Dilemma]
macam mana nak cari ramai follower ni, follow ramai ramai la. mesti ramai yang follow balik
hurm, kenapa tak follow balik? ish berlagak
saya memang minat artis XXX, saya mesti follow
tak pernah pun balas mention saya. orang lain boleh lak
die ni comel la. tergoda saya
ape die tweet ni? mengarut betul!!
saya sebagai orang yang baik mestilah follow balik semua follower saya
follower sikit, tak aktif lettew
kelakarnya tweet die. *senyum*
aku terasa tau ape ko tweet
kite kan sama sama belajar di YYY
ingatkan lepas berborak di twitter ko follow aku, rupenye tak.
orang lain follow, takkan aku tak nak follow
ala, ramai je retweet die punye tweet, tak follow pun takpe
8 soalan tentang komputer yang biasa ditanya di facebook group atau forum
1. macam mana nak hack FBsoalan ni antara yang paling biasa mirul jumpa. pelik? semua nak hack Facebook, lagi lagi baru baru ni banyak Facebook fanpage kene hack. sebenarnya hack bukan untuk orang biasa biasa. banyak cara dan banyak benda kene belajar. senang cerita, baik tak payah. baik belajar linux. lagi best! tapi kalau korang nak sangat belajar, mirul cadangkan google perkataan ini dan belajarlah sendiri ; phishing, social engineering, firesheep, dll
2. macam mana nak format laptop?ape OS yang korang nak pakai, Windows atau Linux. ape ape pun, banyak tutorial bagaimana nak format laptop atau deskop. tapi secara asasnya korang kene ada cd/dvd Windows atau Linux dan boot dari cd/dvd, ikut arahan yang diberi. biasanya kalau memang tak tahu, baiklah hantar saja ke kedai, tapi kalau nak lebih info atau nak belajar bolehlah cari gunakan google.
3. mcm mana nak cari drivermirul pernah pakai satu software Unknown Device Identifier, software ini akan dapatkan nama driver yang berkaitan supaya senang nak cari gunakan google.
4. laptop saya selalu hang. mcm mana nak buat?soalan ini sangat umum. tapi yang biasa bertanya soalan ini orang yang pakai laptop atau desktop yang tak cukup spec untuk Windows 7.Tapi kalau cukup, antara sebab lain ialah spyware, adware, malware dan lain lain lah. Kalau tak nak pening, format.
5. laptop lembap. mcm mana nak lajukansoalan ini pun sangat umum, tapi jawapan paling senang format.
6. berapa harga RAM, monitor, dllkorang nak survey harga RAM atau barang komputer lain? gunakan google, tapi spesifikan di memang senang. tulis item yang nak dibeli diikuti "". contoh, kalau nak cari RAM DDR3 2GB search google RAM DDR3 2GB
7. kat mana nak tau semua benda pasal komputer?ikut sahaja forum atau facebook page tentang komputer. baca blog tentang komputer dan menyumbang kembali dengan buat tutorial apa yang korang tahu. cari dulu guna google baru tanya komuniti, dan jangan sesekali putus asa. haha
8. mana nak download software free, crack, keygen dll.banyak site yang bagi korang download benda benda macam ni. korang kene la cari kat google. mirul biasa pegi untuk cari warez, tapi sekarang dah tak pakai dah, sebab mirul lebih tumpukan pada linux.
kalau korang ada soalan lain, bolehlah ditujukan di bawah, sekian.
Situasi dimana tak patut korang kata "eh saya malulah"
1. Diberi peluang bercakap
Tak kiralah sama ada ramai atau tidak, bercakap di depan orang ramai memang susah. Sebab itu PM pun pakai teleprompter bila nak bercakap. tapi kalau malu sebab takut digelar #retis dan yang sewaktu dengannya, itu cuma alasan. yang penting, jangan kutuk orang, dan jangan terlampau memuji diri sendiri. kalau orang nak kutuk, biarkan, itu memang sifat semula jadi manusia, nak mengutuk je keje. Yang penting, korang berani melawan sifat takut dalam diri, dan bersemuka dengan orang ramai.
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teleprompter |
mirul sekolah bukanlah di sekolah yang hebat. SM Teknik Tuanku Jaafar sahaja. Jadi masalah ni memang selalu berlaku. Lain pulak yang terjadi bila dah belajar di UTP. Semua proaktif belaka. Kalau ada sesi soal jawap, memang beraturlah orang nak bertanya. Jadi masalah ini mirul tujukan pada pelajar sekolah. janganlah lepaskan peluang untuk bertanya, di kelas, ataupun di dalam sesuatu acara. Berikan sekurang kurangnya impression yang korang alert dengan orang yang bercakap.
3. Berjumpa dengan orang baru
okeh, korang berjumpa dengan orang baru. tapi korang malu. Kenapa? Itu soalan pertama kena tanya, sebab biasanya tak da jawapan yang munasabah pun. Kalau korang terdampar dalam longgokan orang baru, takkan korang nak berdiam diri sahaja? oh itu sangat bosan. Korang kalau malu malu, banyak yang rugi. Sebagai blogger, kalau pergi gathering blogger, mestilah korang akan jumpa orang baru. Tips yang paling senang adalah cuba jadi proaktif. Jangan jadi pasif. Banyakkan perbualan dan berkongsi kongsi pengalaman. Kalau korang malu malu(bagai nak menyorok bawah meja). banyak la benda korang rugi.
4. First date
okeh, korang pemalu yer. abistu kalau yang lagi satu pun pemalu, macam mana? Adeh. #nokomen ah. Jangan nanti tak tau malu pergi cium mulut(atau biasanya ditulis comolot) depan KLCC sudah.
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sila jangan lakukan ini. |
konklusinya, yang paling penting sekali, kalau yang membaca ni budak sekolah, percayalah, satu masa nanti korang terpaksa meng"upgrade"kan communication skills korang. lebih lebih lagi dalam English. lagi lagi kalau ada hati nak pergi interview. kalau kamu rasa kamu hanya orang biasa, kurang keyakinan diri, jangan jadikan itu alasan, jadikan ianya satu cabaran okeh.
mungkin lepas nih mirul nak share apa yang mirul buat di Barcamp. tapi korang tau ke barcamp tu ape? mungkin kene tulis gak ape itu barcamp. hahaa. tunggu nanti ya ;)
o/ mirul pun pemalu orangnya. wakakaa
Some sweet promises from boys to girls
Without you, I'm as lonely as an abandoned dog in the highway!
I have gift anxiety. Even though I don't know when your birthday is!
I'll never make wise cracks...
when you scrape your tires against the curb or parallel parking.
If you concede to live with me, I'll clean the toilette every week.
I'll do it with my tongue if you ask.
I'll strike the words "hooters" and "love rockets" from my vocabulary.
I'll love you even if you are Mimi and you want me to say "May-May".
I'll only pass gas underneath the covers in the direst circumstances.
I'll go on a low-cholesterol diet.
And I won't buy a red sports car when I have my mid-life crisis.
Your parents can come visit us every week.
Even if your mom is a big witch with a capital B.
Your folks don't have to go to a retirement home.
They can live with us. I declare, I'll separate the whites from the colors...
I'll learn the mysteries of hot water and cold water washes.
I'll never huff and puff waiting for you to put on your make-up.
If you're a cat person, I'll never say that a dog can save your life.
I'll happily go see flicks with you, like "Pride and Prejudice".
I'll make a point to try new foods, like okra gumbo.
I won't turn my nose at vegetables whose awful taste...
is disguised by having cheese put on it.
I pledge to always say "yes" when you ask, "is my hair looking okay?"
I'm gonna bring a whole new meaning to the word "cuddle".
I'll be thoughtful enough to read you horoscope everyday.
I'm gonna save every birthday card you send me.
And I'll actually write you real letters when we're apart.
I'm never gonna expect you to know where I left my car keys...
and I'll never leave my socks on the floor.
With me, you'll find the cap's always on the toothpaste.
I declare now, I'll give my life for you.
If you fail to come to me...
I know some part of me will surely die.
from the movie 100 Girls (2000)
some sentences are removed.
Top 30: Rakyat Malaysia yang tak rugi difollow di Twitter
1. @pojiepooh 3. @lizarazak 4. @CikDara 6. @Nay0wn 7. @fiqvertigo 9. @HairiBaba 10. @haniraihan 11. @jackiekoh 12. @AbirAbhar 13. @beliamuda 14. @seliparkoyak00 15. @mnasihs | 16. @UmarChong 17. @shahroll 18. @HazwanArif 19. @maisyara_ 20. @nizambakeri 21. @M0hamadFaiz 22. @damhamaza 23. @_Aishah 24. @amanfirdaus 25. @LiyanaMehfar 26. @thenameisyana 27. @anarmnet 28. @amrulazmi 29. @myadlan 30. @sotongzai |
kalau korang ada suggestion sapa yang patut di follow di twitter, silalah komen.
o/ korang cari la #tahitwitter dan follow, gerenti meriahlah timeline korang :P
o/ dah follow @amirulabu?
o/ nombor itu tak melambangkan ape ape ye. semuanya #random
Gathering Blogger Perak [edisi 4 Jun 2011]
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Entri ni tak kan menceritakan kronologi apa yang berlaku, sebab aku tak ambil gambar. just simpanan link member yang pergi tadi :)
(kalau ada yang tertinggal, cakap ya)
Buffer: App twitter yang hebat!
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Tweet - teks dan link tidak melebihi 140 askara(huruf dan jarak)
Buffer - tempat menyimpan tweet korang. tweet akan dilepaskan satu per satu mengikut masa yang telah ditetapkan
Masa - masa korang boleh setkan seberapa banyak yang korang nak dalam satu hari. Mirul cadangkan selang 3 jam paling minimum untuk setiap tweet supaya tak dilable spam. tapi terpulang pada korang
Korang daftar je Buffer nih, korang dapat la 10 tweet untuk buffer korang dan masa telah disetkan pada 8:57pm, 11:57am, 5:07pm dan 8:02pm.
Sekarang korang bolehlah letakkan tweet korang dan tekan send to buffer. Tweet akan disimpan dalam buffer dan akan ditweet mengikut masa yang disetkan.
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My Buffer |
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Setting |
Himpunan Tips untuk Blogger Baru
2. Taip katakunci pada ‘search box’
3. Baca komen pengunjung lain.
2. Header blog yang menarik
3. Gadget tak banyak sangat
4. Lagu ~
5. Tulisan blog
6. Tulisan bergerak
4. tulis entry macam korang bercerita
Cara-cara menjadi teman lelaki yang terbaik [Barcamp penang 2011]

Jadi antara ciri ciri teman lelaki yang terbaik adalah menjadi pendengar yang setia! Kalau tak nak kene leter dengan aweksss masing masing, sila baca dan bertindak! hahaa
1. Dorongan
Body language perlu seperti orang yang bersedia nak berkomunikasi. Tidak tunduk, pandang ke muka dan tidak menunjukkan tanda resah. Badan ditundukkan sedikit sahaja (kalau banyak dah nampak pelik) ke arah orang yang bercakap, tanda kita nak mendengar apa yang disampaikan. Bunyi sepertu "hmm" atau "uhm" dan perkataan sepertu "O.K." dan "oh" boleh digunakan untuk memberitahu yang korang mendengar dan berminat.
2. Ulang kembali isi dengan perkataan lain (Paraphrasing)
Respon sekali sekala dengan ulang kembali apa yang dikata menggunakan perkataan sendiri. Dapat tunjukkan yang korang mengikuti apa yang sedang dicakapkan
3. Tanya soalan
a. soalan terbukaSoalan terbuka adalah untuk yang pemalu, atau kepada orang yang tak memberi respon. Gunakan untuk mendapat lebih maklumat atau mengenali seseorang secara lebih dekat. Contoh soalan seperti "apa yang awak rasa tentang movie tadi?"
b. soalan tertutupSoalan tertutup adalah soalan yang tak memerlukan jawapan yang panjang, jadi kalau nak meringkaskan perbualan, gunakan soalan tertutup. Contoh soalan seperti "Apa selalu buat kat rumah?"
4. Refleksi perasaan
Selepas patuh mendengar, letakkan sedikit elemen perasaan, bagitahu apa yang korang rasa, tanya apa yang dia rasa, supaya kedua pihak rasa selesa selepas perbualan.
5. Ringkasan
Ulang semua yang dicakapkan secara ringkas, supaya dia pasti apa yang dicakapkan telah dapat disampaikan kepada korang.
korang tak payah la buat semua langkah langkah yang ditunjukkan, ini semua yang tertulis dalam buku untuk melatih interviewer supaya dapat jalankan sesi temubual yang baik. Tetapi dorongan, bertanya soalan, dan refleksi perasaan mirul rasa boleh diaplikasikan dalam perhubungan. Semoga dapat aplikasikan dengan sukses. Kalau ada apa apa yang tak paham, bolehlah komen dibawah ya
sumber(live tweet semasa di barcamp) 1 2
sumber lain
Mesti cuba! Twitter app yang lawak.
korang tweet selalu tak? kalau tweet tweet tu semua dicetak, apekah hasilnya. App yang menarik dari Cartridsave.
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Hot sangat ke kat twitter. kalau hot sangat, buktikan! haha. pastu share di twitter. haha. mirul cool tau. Jom cuba twitemperature.
App bergaduh lak. Tapi app nih tak adil kot. banyak kali try, kalah dengan @Nay0wn je. ini tak adil!!! Nak gaduh kat tweetfight la
Kalau kat twitter, ramai gak la asek merungut, #kalautwittertakde tentu dapat skor final exam 4 flat. haha. betul ke. Try check, berapa banyak masa korang dah terbuang. Try tgk @neyrashazeyra punye. haha. Try tweetwasters
App nih pulak tenang sikit. Kita boleh tengok pelbagai ragam orang di dunia ni. Bagaikan tetingkap di alam maya. App ni akan search perkataaan seperti I think, I love, I believe. Best!. Cuba app twistori.
o/ eh korang dah follow twitter mirul? @amirulabu
Pimp up Gnome3 make it more Gnome2-ish
So you are using Gnome3, and you missed how Gnome2 looks, well there is good news for you. There is an extension for Gnome3 that make your desktop look like this. The extension is GNOME Shell frippery.
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click to see more clearly :) |
Changes after using the extension;
1. Clock is moved to the left
2. Shortcuts on the right
3. Drop down menu
4. Shutdown option(when you click will bring you to all power options)
5. Dynamic workspace disabled.
click here for extension download and instruction.
to enable desktop icons click here
Cara mudah untuk padankan kombinasi warna
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muka depan |
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antara "most loved" pelet |
Ada jugak laman web lain yang serupa konsepnya dengan colourlovers, yang dibuat oleh syarikat software Adobe, Kuler. Tapi kali terakhir mirul lihat laman web Kuler, tak boleh diakses.
o/ kreatif selalunya bukan datang sendiri, tapi datang dari pembaikan idea orang lain #ehyeke. haha
Using Google Chrome with proxy in Fedora 15
Gnome3's proxy setting is quite messed up right now and so far that i am concern there are some fixes using gconf-editor package to get proxy to work for certain app such as pidgin.
But for google chrome, it just don't happen. Well, i really need google chrome as it is nice to have a fast secondary browser instead of firefox. The idea is to create a launcher and use google chrome with proxy options that is build-in. so here is how to do it.
1. Right-click on the desktop. (well if you cannot, read this first)
2. Click Create launcher
3. Copy this command to the command box
google-chrome --proxy-server="http:/proxy:port-num"4. Enter name and comment as you like
5. Click ok
Perlu ke simpan tweet-tweet korang?
kalau tengok blog post tahun 2010, mirul banyak post twitter dan status facebook. kenapa? sebab mirul saje jer nak simpan untuk rujukan nanti. kalau takde idea nak tweet ke, boleh je tengok balik tweet-tweet tu dan recycle balik. tapi ini memang terpulang masing masing la kan, okeh
mirul ade blog lain untuk simpan tweet dan status. walaupun ada perkhidmatan untuk simpan tweet, tapi mirul lagi prefer simpan dalam bentuk blog, senang nak cari ikut masa dan tempat. so kalau berminat, sini cara-cara bagaimana nak buat.
Ape kena ada?
- akaun
- blog(blogger/wp/dll yg support) - tapi pisahkan dengan blog utama, jadi pembaca tak keliru.
- twitter dan/atau facebook
![]() |
interface (di sebelah kiri account yang telah di connect ) |
- buat account
- connectkan account yang perlu.
- Tweet atau update status gunakan (atau gunakan untuk mobile/fast loading)
![]() |
account lain yang boleh di connect |
Ape jadi kalau tersalah taip "blogspot" kat browser [Quick update!]
Dah? Bagi aku, pihak yang buat site itu bijak. Okeh, ape pendapat korang?.
Emoticon mengeluh dan bunyi bunyian di internet [erk?]
-.-"huhh" atau mengeluh, tapi nak kata orang tutup mata pun boleh. haha. Kalau macam tu orang mengeluh sambil tutup mata. Biasa mirul jumpe ni sebab orang malas nak layan ker atau nak tunjukkan yang tidak gembira, tidak sedih, tidak sakit hati, hanya terasa sedikit penat. Kalau secara realitinya, ibarat kita lepaskan nafas yang panjang tanpa berkata apa apa setelah dapat saman.
-.-"sama macam yang mula mula tu, tapi ini lebih mengeluh lagi. Rasanya ditiru dari manga atau komik yang menunjukkan peluh di dahi orang yang mengeluh. Tapi kalau betul betul, ade ke peluh keluar masa mengeluh. Atau ada kaitan dengan perkataan "mengeluh = peluh"? tak tahu la.
=.=aku saspek, ini ade kaitan dengan baggy eyes. haha. masuk akal la kan.
Kalau bab bunyi bunyian pulak
pffftttsampai hari ni mirul still tak tau mcm mana nak bahasakan atau sebut atau gayakan bunyi ni. tapi macam orang yang bengang je. nak kata ludah orang, tak mungkin kot, sebab, tengok awek awek sekalian rilek je pfftttkan mirul. ahahaha, mana mungkin awek yang sopan main ludah ludah.
grrrrrrOkeh, kalau ikut Nabil(Raja/Maharaja Lawak) ini maksudnye marah. Mirul setuju, tapi kalau nampak grrr nih boleh bayangkan muka yang berkerut, mata sepet sket, gigi dirapatkan dengan suara. haha. Tapi tak digalakkan buat muka macam ni, awet tua. haha.
zzzzzini adalah penipuan. konon konon nak tido. tapi tak tido pon. ok itu bohong. zzzzz ni same maksud dengan "whateverr". apekaitan zzzz dan whatever tak tau lah, tapi itulah yg di interpretkan mirul. haha.
Fedora 15: What to do after fresh install?
1. Setup proxy for yum(skip this if you don't use proxy). View it here.
2. Setup free and nonfree repositories. (at this time of post, u need Fedora RPM Fusion free and nonfree for Fedora Rawhide ). View how you can setup RPM Fusion repositories here.
3. Install Flash, mp3 and other codecs, skype, java and a lot others, install Fedora Plus(before this it was called autoten). Installing just takes one line command, view it here.
before Fedora 15, I was using easyLife but they haven't done a version that supports Fedora 15 yet, so i am using Fedora Plus. But they are basically the same this, make installing software easier.
Update: easyLife is supporting Fedora 15 now!
4. Claim your desktop icons back! install gnome-tweak-tool by copying the command below
su -c 'yum -y install gnome-tweak-tool'
and open the gnome-tweak-tool, the File Manager tab, set the file manager handle the desktop to on. Reboot!
5. Install Google Chrome! Look here
More Update: to use google chrome with proxy, view here
I am more than pleased if you can comment or add anymore below. Thanks in advance.
Setting up proxy for YUM for Fedora 15, 14, 13, 12
- Open terminal
- Type su
- Enter your root password
- Type nautilus or sudo nautilus
- Open File System folder
- Open etc folder
- search for yum.conf
- open in text editor
- add you proxy url and port number (eg. http://myproxy:8080)
sudo gedit '/etc/yum.conf'and enter your proxy url.
ref and @wadefak
Twitter: Apa yang akan keluar di timeline orang lain? Apa yang tidak?
Rajah ini tak termasuk DM, sebab DM senang saja, hanya kamu dan si A jer yang nampak. Tapi kalau si A, printscreen dan upload ke twitpic atau facebook, dah tak private lah. haha
Kalau nak tau ape beza reply dan RT dan bila nak gunakannya, pergi je sini
Konklusinya: kalau korang privatekan tweet korang dan mention orang yang tak follow korang, orang yang korang mention tak dapat pun tweet korang. Contoh, korang privatekan tweet korang dan reply tweet @NajibRazak, hahaa, kemungkinan untuk @NajibRazak untuk membalasnya adalah kosong.
sumber 1 2
Love Padlock: Tradisi orang bercinta
sumber Belajar asas DSLR dan database harga lens dan kamera [Barcamp Penang 2011]
Selain itu, perbandingan harga antara kamera dan lens juga ada di website tersebut. Jadi kepada kaki foto yang berkenaan bolehlah merujuk dengan senarai harga bagi kamera dan lens yang di ingini.
Cara letakkan coding di Blogger
Pastikan semua link di buka di window/tab yang baru untuk Blogger
terbaca blog denaihati tentang bouce rate, jadi untuk info lebih pasal bouce rate, terjah di sana, tapi nak ajar sedikit bagaimana nak pastikan semua link akan keluar di window/tab yang baru. Mudah sahaja caranya. Pegi ke Design - Edit HTML. Ctrl + F dan cari <head> dan tambahkan <base target='_blank'/> di bawahnya. Lebih kurang akan jadi begini. Selamat mencuba.
<base target='_blank'/>
Feeling hot enough, or just a major heartbroken girl?
If you open this girls profile page, you can see this;
1.Don't ever ask my PHONE number. (if u r a guy)IMHO, i am okay with her if only she admits she is a lesbo. Then i will back off. tq
2.Don't ever ADD my SIBLINGS/BESTIES/FAMILY (don't be a busybody)
3.Don't ever ASK ME OUT. (if u r a guy)
4.Don't ever FLIRT with me cz it is ANNOYING. (if u r a guy)
5.Don't ever ask me to do any hairstyling 4u. (if u r a guy) Blogging dengan maklumat GEO RSS [Barcamp Penang 2011]
permulaan sesuatu yang baru?
Maddi Jane : The Future Vanessa Hudgens?
Posted via email from Ruler
Types of Geeks In The Planet Earth

It was not until 1950s that the term "geek" became associated with those who were passionate or obsessed with technology or specific sub-culture.If you have seen the "Evolution of the Geek" poster, well it is quite detailed in a fact that they list it out many types of geeks through the time. But i think there are just some geeks i want to point out some geeks and give my opinion, the must-have gadgets for them and what type of language they say. Well, after all, this is only my opinion, not necessarily to be 100% true. Do have fun reading.
- Well this type of geek are die-hard fans of Apple, obviously.
- They will battle to backup Apple products in forums, twitter, facebook and even in youtube comments
- When Apple launches a product, they will try to be the first one to get it, or at least hoping to be there.
- People who want simplicity and not complicated procedures.
- They always make productivity their priority. Thats why they choose Mac.
- Must have items: (err, All Apple products)
- Mostly speak just the same way urban people speak. Well they are just people who likes Apple products so much
- Its either on the computer or console, they are hardcore gamers.
- A random guess, either they play MMPORGP, FPS or others. If they play games like it will give them money, that is the game geek.
- Conduct or join in gaming tournaments. Almost all of their friends are selected based on the similar games they play
- Must have items: A very powerful computer and a very large screen and a very fast internet connection and lots of free time
- For normal guys, if you don't ever play the game, don't dream to be in their conversation, you will not understand a thing!
- Terms use in daily life are similar to a regular technology or computer geek: n00b, pwn, some leet speaks etc.
- It will be a hard life without them, after all, everyone needs someone to design you a poster someday (or not?).
- They can draw/paint creatively and makes all the people around so jealous with the talent they have.
- Photo shoots is the time to gather around and take pictures everywhere while chatting about the latest camera, techniques etc.
- No 1 rule: don't judge someone with his/her camera.
- Photoshop is a click away on the desktop or down the taskbar in their computer
- Must have items: Photoshop(err did i say that again?), a computer that is sufficient to run the latest Photoshop, the latest pro DSLR camera (or some enjoy having some old cameras, it depends), a lot of lenses, accessories.
- They speak their own language, sometimes something that is so average looks so beautiful to them. etc.
- At least heard the word "Free as in Freedom", by Richard Stallman,
- They use linux as their main OS.
- Love the terminal
- Encouraging other peoples to use linux. Keep telling that warez is not a good thing.
- Every linux fan is also a fan to at least one linux distro. Sometimes there are wars among the distro and everyone will backup their distro till the end.
- Love the "adventure" solving problems in linux, maybe due to hardware, drivers, software etc.
- Windows == Winblows.
- Must have items: A fully compatible linux desktop/laptop. A private server. Very stable internet(to download those updates)
- Linux speak. sometimes leet speak, but all the time make jokes of linux commands. rm -rf, sudo, etc.
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