lol [UTPchat mirc log]

(g****g******) yu ol SAK!!
(w******) omaigoat
(g****g******) yu hef e goat w******??
(g****g******) ken ai hef sam?
(w******) no yu kenot
(g****g******) wai not
(w******) mai goat is not for iting
(w******) ai yus mai goat tu kat mai gras
(g****g******) ooo ai si
(g****g******) ai tot yo goat is fo iting
(g****g******) mai bed
(w******) anles yu bai mai goat
(g****g******) wei yu bai yo goat?
(g****g******) ai wan tu bai e goat oso
(w******) den wi ken hef goat babikiu
(g****g******) dets e veri gud adia
(g****g******) wi ken it yo goat tugede
(w******) ai sel tuyu for fifti sen
(g****g******) yo goat is e mel or fimel?
(w******) yu wan mi tu send mai goat in imel?
(w******) nau yu godai
(g****g******) its oke ai wil tek yo goat maisef
(w******) bikos ai wantu stadi
(g****g******) no nid tu imel it
(g****g******) ai wan tu stadi oso

This connection is untrusted. What to do [for inside utp only]

so you get a link from some place(maybe mirc@UTPChat)
you open with your browser and you get this "this connection is untrusted"
what to do???

well, it's common sense actually but there are some people who seem a bit blur.

why does this happen?

you are browsing a webpage with "https", thats why.
the certificate is not trusted because he/she is hosting on they own box and propagating it only inside utp. so there is not relevant to make a trusted one. but if you feel worry about that, it's okay, suit yourself.

if you are using mozilla firefox, here is the steps.

so here it is.

1. click "i understand the risks"

2. click "add exception"

3. wait awhile and click "confirm security exception" (if you can't wait, click get certificate vigorously)

for more information. visit and search ;)
bujang terlajak xapa cik uji, asalkan jangan jadi bujang senget sebelah - uji rashid & hail amir-menunggu nasi minyak
there is a very thin line of being sweet or "scary". do i look scary :(
"bad gurls" doesn't know how good she is until they know how bad that boys are.
"ppuan jahat" tak tahu bertapa baiknya mereka sehingga mereka tahu bertapa jahatnya lelaki.
tell her, or else she will not know your feelings towards her....
i install something that replace After Effects in fedora. Cinelerra.

kenapa pakai linux?

Aku terbaca 1 reply dalam inboxku dari thread "Its The Rakyat That We Need To Convince Not The Government" dalam Mailing List. Diorang tengah bincang tentang mcm mana nak mempopularkan open source kepada semua. So, aku rasa nak share la kenapa perlu pakai linux, dan bukan M$/OSX.

emel ini dari riZer Enterprise.

Salam semua...
Bagi pendapat saya..... tidaklah terlalu susah untuk menjual sistem ini kepada orang ramai. Kebanyakan customer-customer saya, mereka ini adalah golongan yang mahu berubah, Sanggup mencuba sesuatu yang baru dan boleh menerima akan adanya unsur unsur lain didalam komputer mereka. Ini kerana mereka sudah jelak dengan pekedai yang mengformat komputer mereka kepada M$. Why?
Kerana dah boring hantar kedai dan bawa pulang guna tak berapa lama jammed (the blue screen of death) balik. Kekadang tu pekedai tolak komputer depa tak mahu buat repair sebab relic pentium mmx.
I've always imagine......"
Alangkah baiknya kalau saper-saper pun tak payah bayar kat saper-saper pun kalau takat computer system depa down"
But that could never happen. Our principle yang kita pegang dan amalkan adalah yang terbaik. Rizer Enterprise never sell M$ we sell linux softwares. Why?
Sebab kami hanya menjual barang yang baik-baik sahaja. Dan linux bukanlah sebuah product pengilang... Linux adalah bahan organik dalam ekosistem perisian"
Do you know what's the number 1 bug in linux?
It's M$.
Kawan saya ada membuka kedai komputer...Saya tengok di kedainya sentiasa ada banyak komputer untuk di repair..Mostly PC PC tu kena virus. Saya pun mencemuh mengatakan tak best lah M$ ni asyik kena virus je. Kawan saya dengan nada sinis berkat >>"Ko jgn cakap macam tu bro... virus ni ada bagus nyer kami cari makan macam ni ler...!!"
Subhanallah tersentak saya mendengar kata-katanya. Di dalam hati saya berkata "Baik ko tanam je virus dalam komputer diorang nanti diorang datang balik"
Morale of the story here...
seperti Tuan Haris pernah berkata..
I would rather teach them how to fish instead of selling them the fish..
Becouse I also wants to go catch my own fish to feed my family. If I sell the fish they will always come back to me to buy more fish. So go catch 'em..

Yours truly


*M$ = microsoft
*OSDC = Open Source Developers Club
sapa ada external dvd burner/reader... minta jasa baik nak pinjam. utpians
kat utp ni, mmg ada something ker antara RM dan lain-lain? [pertanyaaan]
is gaining publicity through a method called "distraction" [google group]
harap-harap la dapat bangun awal. tido bilik member..
having a bf doesn't mean you have to be a bitch. huh
i regret installing mozilla firefox 4 beta. couldn't restore my bookmarks :(
google chrome's update is like a spy. you will never notice it.
the secret to be a true gentleman. Be a good listener.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world those that know binary and those that dont
"ramai sangat yang pandai gunakan komputer"... xjelas la
until some point. you have to choose. and that is the hardest part of all
i want to enroll "study whatever is your passion 101" plz...
I am a boy.
I am humble.
I talk loud.
I hear less.
If i did something wrong.
Just send a message.
Let's be transparent.
myb i screwed up. i felt that i am the most loser in the group. but i am wrong coz i learn the most :D
perempuan selalu curang.
"awak2 kte tuka status single nak x, saya bukan ape, kte tetap kapel, tapi kita tuka status jer. leh x..." (lol...)

Muslimah memang tak guna..???"

dapat dari inbox emel. diforwardkan dari google group saya.

1. Perempuan yang bergelar muslimah itu TIDAK GUNA kain yang nipis untuk membuat bajunya, sehingga terbayang kulitnya. Kerana dia tahu, bahawa pakaian seperti itu adalah pakaian yg layak dipakai oleh perempuan jalang.

2. Perempuan yang mengakui dirinya beragama islam memang TIDAK GUNA rantai kaki yang berloceng utk dililitkan pada kakinya. Rantai ini apabila dipakai walaupun tersembunyi tetap bergemerincing dan menarik perhatian orang lain, lebih-lebih lagi lelaki JAHAT. Dia tahu sekiranya dia memakainya juga dia telah melanggar larangan Allah dalam ayat 31 surah An- Nur.

3. Perempuan yang mengakui dirinya ana muslimah memang TIDAK GUNA minyak wangi yang baunya semerbak. Wangian sebegini mempunyai kuasa penyerakan bau yang amat tinggi kerana kadar kemeruwapannya tinggi. Biasanya kekuatan bau ini menunjukkan kadar kekompleksan rantai alcohol (secara kimia) yg digunakan utk membuat pewangi itu. Perempuan yang tidak memakai wangian yang kuat ini tahu bahawa inilah yang dipesan oleh nabi. Sabda junjungan bahawa wanita yang keluar rumah dgn memakai wangian, adalah seperti pelacur. Bukan tidak boleh berwangi-wangi tetapi bersederhanalah dlm pemakaian wangian tersebut.

4. Perempuan yang kuat pegangan islamnya memang TIDAK GUNA kata- kata yang keji, kerana dia tahu sesiapa sahaja yang bercakap perkara yang keji adalah mereka yang rendah akhlaknya. Lelaki atau perempuan yang bercakap menggunakan perkataan yang buruk @ jahat, adalah seperti sepohon pokok yang rosak akar tunjangnya. Dia tahu bahawa perumpamaan perkataan yang baik dan buruk dinyatakan dengan jelas dalam ayat 24-26 surah Ibrahim.

5. Perempuan muslimah TIDAK GUNA masa berborak untuk mengatakan hal-hal orang yang disekitarnya atau dengan kata lain mengumpat, memperkatakan keabaian saudaranya. Dia tahu bahawa sekiranya orang yang suka mengumpat baik lelaki atau perempuan dia seolah-olah memakan daging saudaranya sendiri.
Apakah sanggup kita memakan daging saudara sendiri?
Persoalan ini ditanyakan kepada kita dalam firmanNya ayat 12 surah al-Hujurat.

6. Perempuan yang berpakaian berdasarkan syariat islam memang tidak guna tudung yang pendek, apabila memakainya diselempangkannya dan menampakkan bahagian yg sepatutnya ditutup. Sememangnya ia menjadi tatapan mata lelaki yang jahat yang terkena panahan syaitan. Dia tahu apabila bertudung, dia mesti melabuhkan tudungnya sehingga menutup alur lehernya dan tidak menampakkan bentuk di bahagian dadanya. Pesan Rasul seperti yang disuruh oleh Allah tersebut dalam ayat 59 al-Ahzab. Begitu juga seorang lelaki yang bergelar suami mesti memberi peringatan untuk isteri dan anak- anaknya.

7. Perempuan yang memahami etika dalam islam memang TIDAK GUNA lenggok bahasa yang boleh menggoda seorang lelaki. Jika bercakap dengan lelaki yang bukan mahramnya, bercakaplah dengan tegas. Jangan biarkan suara lunak manja itu untuk menarik perhatian lelaki yang sakit dalam hatinya. Sememangnya suara perempuan bukanlah aurat, jika aurat maka Allah tidak akan menjadikan perempuan boleh berkata-kata. Bertegaslah dalam percakapan, jangan gunakan suaramu untuk menarik perhatian lelaki sehingga menjadi fitnah buatmu. Bahaya suara wanita yang bercakap dengan gaya membujuk yang boleh mencairkan keegoan lelaki (yg bukan mahramnya) dicatat dalam ayat 32 surah al-Ahzab. Makna ayatnya lebih kurang begini"Maka janganlah kamu tunduk dlm berbicara sehingga berkeinginanlah orang yang ada penyakit dlm hatinya dan ucapkanlah perkataan yang baik" 'Tunduk' di sini ditafsirkan sbg berbicara dgn sikap yang boleh menimbulkan keberanian orang untuk bertindak jahat kpd mereka. "Penyakit dlm hati" adalah keinginan seorang lelaki utk melakukan perbuatan sumbang dgnnya seperti berzina. Mengapa? Lelaki sangat mudah tertarik kpd seorang wanita melalui suaranya.

8. Perempuan yang menjaga maruah islam memang TIDAK GUNA alat make-up untuk menonjolkan kejelitaannya melainkan di hadapan suaminya sahaja. Adab bersolek (tabarruj) ini amat ditekankan kepada wanita muslim (muslimah) kerana semestinya kecantikannya adalah hak ekslusif yang mesti persembahkan kepada suaminya. Jika ingin keluar bekerja, dia memakai make-up secara bersederhana sahaja sehingga tidak jelas kelihatan pada wajahnya dia bersolek. Jangan bersolek sehingga cantiknya anda sehingga kadang2 wajah anda menjadi seperti hantu. Hendak bergincu? Jika bergincu, pakailah yg tidak menyerlah warnanya. atau Mengapa tidak pakai lipstick-non-glossy atau lipbalm sahaja?

9. Perempuan islam TIDAK GUNA kain tudung yang jarang-jarang seperti jarangnya jala yang digunakan untuk memukat haiwan akuatik. Kerana apabila memakai tudung seperti ini, akan nampak juga bahagian yang sepatutnya ditutup rapi dari pandangan orang lain. Rambut adalah mahkota, tetapi jangan biarkan mahkota itu tidak 'berharga' dengan menayangkannya tanpa sebarang perlindungan. Jika mahkota berharga disimpan dengan rapi di dalam sangkar, dan ditambah pula pengwal untuk menjaga keselamatannya, maka demikian juga dengan rambut wanita. Sangkar itu adalah kain litup yang sempurna dan pengawalnya pula adalah ilmu yang diamalkan oleh anda untk memakainya dengan cara yang terbaik.

10. Jadilah perempuan islam & muslimah yang B E R G U N A

"Hendaklah mereka (wanita) menahan
pandangannya, dan kemaluannya, dan
janganlah mereka menampakkan
perhiasannya, kecuali yang (biasa)
nampak dari padanya. Dan hendaklah
mereka menutupkan kain tudung ke
dadanya, dan janganlah menampakkan
perhiasannya (auratnya) kecuali kepada
mahram mereka.” (Surah an-Nuur 24: 31)

peringatan ni untuk smua muslimah :)

kepada muslimin pula, antum boleh nasihatkan kakak, adik, ibu, nenek, saudara perempuan, teman n sesiapa saja muslimah disekeliling antum

crocs hina islam? apakah solusinya? juz padam logo xcukup, kita perlu boikot jenama tu. TAPI mcm biasa, kita kan xleh hidum tanpa icon2 "moden" nie. cth ikon2 moden yg lain spt McD, KFC, coca-cola, dll.. akan menggantikan facebook? betul ker? crite hangat nie. tp server die lmbat ar, facebook lagi laju.. hurm
you are being watched, beware!
there is one time you get very mad that you want to clear off all your social network profiles, (i mean like fb, ms, etc.) but you just can't do it. i dunno why
do you like comparing boy and girls. if so, what is the use? you still cannot change, nor be proud of your gender. quite annoying and immature act.
it's now time to shut down your computer and read a book
what should i feel when i am the only one who is struggling hard, while others sitting with comfort at their own homes. And wishing something big will happen.
you think everything nice is easily done? you just know to admire people, not being them. jus like a helpless loser
"you go do it. i am shy". WTF!!!
you don't want to do it because you don't know. just learn how to do it, stupid.
geeks should make events with geeks, coz they know better.
now i know, we can measure the level of intelligence looking from where is their former school. even though this is not accurate, still there are some percentage of truth.
khutbah hari ini di utp, sepatutnya "new media" ditukarkan kepada "social media"..... (ref:
do you know? pretending you are dead and spreading the news that you died make a very gook prank. NOT!!!! please don't try this, coz u hurt many peoples feelings.
sedang berkira2 bagaimana mahu menempuhi hari2 final examnya.
many of us are trying Digsby, i tried is more earlier and feeling quite sick with it's high memory usage and sucking my bandwidth faster than ever. so what are ur opinion?
problem of students involving in social media is they just want to word "social" more than "professionalism"
i want a mouse coz mine is broken coz i want to play CS coz i am tension coz i jus my test today sucks coz i didn't understand calculus coz..coz..coz
there is at some extent, we cannot force someone to do what we want, even if they are good at it
baru smpai bilik. rindunye kat katil aku, tp sok ada Quiz.. O.o
love lectures and students sit together and talk about education system barcampkl
1. born male mental & physical
lightning talk = what do i want from by BF barcampkl
GOAT = MAC ?? barcampkl
before considering to buy a hp, check whether it has a calendar or not barcampkl
normal book/paper calender is better than digital barcampkl
time management for geek at barcampkl
How to impress on your first date! (and how that applies to life in general), at 11am barcampkl
making reports, documents, geek style, using latex typesetting at barcampkl
when geeks got problem, they write their own programs barcampkl
free kaspersky 6 months barcampkl
mac says think different, kaspersky say think again barcampkl
people write virus for mac, coz future market is high barcampkl
mac os runs on freeBSD, and freeBSD is open source barcampkl
apple quietly ask mac users install antivirus barcampkl
i think many mac fans don't agree kaspersky barcampkl
Who says Mac does not have a virus @ room 1 barcampkl
circle of inference = person who influence you barcampkl
confidence up n downs approching the age of 30 barcampkl
how to build confidence @ room 4, crowd clapped at me :) barcampkl

another picture of P1 wimax for utpians #barcampkl

many people using linux distros barcampkl
even mac machines have viruses, lol barcampkl

p1 wimax at #barcampkl

at barcamp :)
i got a virus on my computer..after manually removing it, every word i highlight using my mouse, becomes's cool :)
kalau ada apa2 nk tanya pasal reunion, aku on9 di YM, lonelyday91@y.c dan gtalk,
is lonelyday91 a girlish screen name?

i noe u like me xoxo gossip girl..

like in a sense of, adoring u or more to loving u.... nah, i don't like anonymous people..

this is a spam box. what are u waiting for ?

kenapa kau masuk utp?

sebab xdpt g oversea... skurang2nye dpt gak tmpat yg "bes" sket dari tmpat2 len... +an pula, kat cni mmg mcm oversea..rmai foreigner

this is a spam box. what are u waiting for ?

suprisingly, there is a site that discuss about meanings in song lyrics... for example
"friendship" is not meant to be with "professional". but u can still be friendly to everyone.
what do you think, limits what you can do. Try harder, always
Are u finding something? Forget google, MyLook is the new search engine "owned" by it's users. Try now!
nk duit on9, tp xnk kuar modal, ini die..

mane belajar tau sume psal komputer nie? hehe

minat + belajar dgn kwn + + forum2 komputer + + + + + E-book(download sj)... senang cite, bmyk belajar kat internt lar.. hehe :)

Ask me anything

ad x org yg ko x puas hati??...wakaka

ada, tp xelok ar aku ckp, sbb mmbr suh wat bodo jer dgn dak tue. so, nie tgh wt bodo ar... mcm penyakit tau, lalu jer menyakitkan hati, tatau ar npe...ish2

Ask me anything

orang melaka? area mane? dlu skul mane?

ayer keroh, melaka, form1-3 SMK telok mas, form4-5 SM teknik tuanku jaafar

Ask me anything

why autoupdate is off?

the antivirus is out of date and windows is not update. usb drive plugged and unplugged. a perfect combo for computer viruses. Why windows update is vital ? here...

it is like opening a "spam me" box for others to spam
i just found 1 way to make your profile picture hot!!! pm me 4 more info...
All ways keep your LOVER'S photo in your purse.when ever you are in big trouble see the will feel that No other problem bigger than this...
Bloggers = Journalists? "If you report, write, and are published, you're a journalist. It's not a licensed profession." [@GrantBarrett][@chrispirillo]
social media experts, here this, social networking starts at 0000 hours..

smart girl rules *wink2*

Monsoon History (remix)

this is a only a part of the poem, re-edited version of me, well the time was raining when i got this idea. 
i am sorry to the author, Shirley Geok Lin-Lim of not asking any copyright or what so ever.

Eating Maggi,

My roommate and i sit at our beds.

This was a few minutes ago.

Kain Pelikat they counted

Test paper lie down dead.

Portraits of girlfriend,

Hung always in the locker.

Reading Blackman, at six

p.m. in skinny,

Listening to never ending

Rain: the air ticks

With laptops, playing counter-strike,

Signal go in of our rooms

Where is the wi-fi,

Their beds and blankets

In heat. We wash our maggi container

Before bed, watch our neighbour repairing

His "korean" hair, un"gatsby"
a geek in progress, what should i learn? suggestion pls
before asking sum1, STFW!!!

virus/spam di facebook (perlu perhatian segera!!)

Ade 1 “application” di facebook yang semakin merebak dari setiap profil ke profil sejak kebelakangan ini. Saya terpaksa buat blog post ni secepat yang mungkin untuk menyelamatkan profil-profil yang belum terkena virus ini. Saya panggil application ini virus kerana ia akan jalankan aplikasi tanpa kebenaran.

inilah link durjana itu
Antivirus in Focebook

Pihak Facebook mungkin belum sedar perkara ini sebenarnya telah membebankan banyak pihak terutamanya di bahagian News Feed kerana penuh dengan link kepada gambar yang berulang-ulang kali tanpa pemilik profil menyedarinya, jadi apa yang perlu anda lakukan?

a)kalau anda belum terkena virus ini.
JANGAN tekan link di bahagian pertama komen pada gambar itu (komen oleh pemilik gambar).
Kalau anda tekan, dengan mudah, anda terkena virus itu

b)kalau anda terkena.
JANGAN tekan link itu!!!
Semakin anda tekan, semakin ia akan membanjiri wall anda.
Cuba cari di bahagian kanan atas facebook anda.
Account -->Application Setting --> (cari application tu) --> delete/remove/tekan butang pangkah!

Bersama-sama menjaga keharmonian facebook bersama :)
captcha can increase our vocab...i hate captcha, especially in facebook!!
i need support for fedora linux. anyone can help me please contact me. support free source!
i am not on facebook until i have solved my laptop's problem =)
hurm, pls spend some time to like this photo ("like" the photo, not link , click on the link, then like...i am not doing this anymore when i reach my target, promise!)
i just realized that i am being too negative during socializing on9... if it happens again, pls remind me okay. thank you
"cikaro atau nama saitifiknya perempuan..." dari movie Adnan Sempit
"cikaro atau nama saitifiknya perempuan..." dari movie Adnan Sempit
what is social media? (u don't know, but what are u doing now?)
finally, i got a way to ping my way out! as fast as mobile!!!

save the good girl, enjoy the bad one...

i am feeling so hatred to girls that wanna be a "bad girl"... that act bitchy, stubborn, rough, etc... suppose they are trying to gain attention or for any reason but sadly, this is only some entertainment for some guys... so...enjoy!
there is one time at facebook you just don't know what to comment, but you want to leave something that show you had view that thing. so you decided to 'like' it....
hp "made in china"ku rosak....sila donate paypal/molpoint/cimbclicks/dll./etc.... lol

links for scholarship (ATT:SPM 2010')

i got an email for my several google groups...
it think is no harm to share..

so here they are =)))

Might be useful for you guys

Pls pass around for our children, students/friends' children, nephews/ nieces, etc.

MARA Scholarship Programs

Yayasan Proton Scholarship

PTPTN Education Loan

The Star Education Fund

Astro Scholarship Award

PETRONAS Education Scholarship Programs

2007 MNRB Scholarship Fund

OCBC Bank Scholarship

Bank Negara Scholarship

ABM 50th Merdeka Scholarship

Curtin Sarawak Scholarship

The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus High Achievers Scholarships

HELP University College

Adelaide Achiever Scholarships International (AASI)

Curtin University of Technology Scholarship

Charles Darwin University Scholarship

Kolej Disted-Stamford Degree Scholarships

Leeds University Scholarships

Loughborough University Human Science Scholarships

MAAC Scholarship - La Trobe University 2006

NUS / Asean Undergraduate Scholarship

UCL Pathfinder Scholarships

University of Sheffield Scholarship

UTAR Scholarships

Nanyang Technological University Scholarship

Tasmanian International Scholarships

University of Malaya Fellowship Scheme

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak Scholarship

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST Discovery Scholarship)

Universiti Malaysia Sabah Scholarship

**there are some of my OLD blog post about tips on interview or anything related.... view my myspace blog at or
i am not good in judging beauty, that why i say all are beautiful... :)
you have to know one of the famous geeks in the world...chris pirillo!
how to "hook" a guy? show more skin in ur profile picture....(it's an insult, not an advice)
i juz realize that teen love is actually trigger from either boys or girls...there is no such thing as both liking each other strongly at the first time...
are we human or are we calculators....(sempena test calculus sok ;P)
i miss my home, i'm bored networking, i'm bored with facebook. Mama, i love u!!!

what is facebook for

thanks to youtube channel somegreybloke... the video is at

-the video is about facebook, and what it is about.
-facebook is an multiplayer online game which the objective is to collect "friends", since there is not many friends in the real world
-divide the friends into different categories:
--people i physically see
some of my friends i see everyday.

--people from the past
same high school etc.

--people i know from various website who i'll never actually met
from forums, youtube, etc.

--good looking females (way to young, impractical or unavaliable, potentials)
to enjoy looking at their pictures and look at Relationship Status changes...
"Woman likes to believe that love can achieve anything. It is her peculiar superstition" -Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
why i always avoid to study?
i have a crush. it broke my heart into pieces. i won't crush anymore. :(
you just cannot just met each other and claim that you will love him/her forever. this is not novel dear. knowing is less painful than being dump
target for 5 digit salary after grad. need planning!
i just wanna have friends
Ukays - Di Sana Menanti Di Sini Menunggu vs. P.Ramlee - Madu Tiga ....
try Warning: for people with lots and lots of accounts all over the web!
Physician says that the calculation is just mathematics, the mathematician says that the calculation is just algebra, but I’m not sure what algebra will say.
ⓤ ⓖⓞⓣ ⓣⓞ ⓣⓡⓨ ⓣⓗⓘⓢ... ⓕⓤⓝⓘⓒⓞⓓⓔ: ⓣⓗⓔ ⓤⓛⓘⓣⓜⓐⓣⓔ ⓕⓤⓝ ⓣⓔⓧⓣ ⓖⓔⓝⓔⓡⓐⓣⓞⓡ ⓐⓣ ⓕⓤⓝⓘⓒⓞⓓⓔ.ⓒⓞⓜ



everyone is talking about love
do u really love?
today i date a girl, so what's the big deal...
is that love?
or u pay for her meal...
is it?
holding hands, or not..walking side by side..
please, stop this stupid joke..
u just confused...
love is love but not anything else...
you can do anything with or without love...
so, you're thinking...
what is this all about..
love is a feeling of happy...
with passion, with willingness...
what about true love?
true love is like ghosts....
many have spoken, but a little see them
this is lonelyday91

a long day(night actually) to remember...

23 jan, 8.30p.m, off to perak from melaka sentral...
24 jan, 3.30a.m, landed perak...

but... in front of uitm..huh
the driver woke me at uitm, he thought i was a uitm student...(how dare...)
i have to walk n walk until rahmath corner... it's quite far..
ate sum food to juice me up..
it's gonna be a long night...
rang sum friends...obviously they are assleep...
accept for Hafiz Musleh (credit for him), but sadly he is at home...
he cannot help me..
what i gonna do?
it's almost 3km more to utp..
maybe i hitchhike anyone...
so nearly 4.45a.m
started walking again...
there are few motorcycles n cars flew by...
but none of them stop...
maybe they think i'm a ghost or up to sumthing bad...
huh, so i walked n walked until sri iskandar bus station...
there were sum people at the stall nearby...
watching tv...
hmm, i wonder if the taxi will come if i call...
or will he just scold me for calling so early??
the tiredness makes me so lazy to move on...
so i call him...he's awake! n he said to wait for him...
okay, this is good...
i heard the azan subuh...

the taxi came... n here i am..

at utp.... lalala