lol [UTPchat mirc log]

(g****g******) yu ol SAK!!
(w******) omaigoat
(g****g******) yu hef e goat w******??
(g****g******) ken ai hef sam?
(w******) no yu kenot
(g****g******) wai not
(w******) mai goat is not for iting
(w******) ai yus mai goat tu kat mai gras
(g****g******) ooo ai si
(g****g******) ai tot yo goat is fo iting
(g****g******) mai bed
(w******) anles yu bai mai goat
(g****g******) wei yu bai yo goat?
(g****g******) ai wan tu bai e goat oso
(w******) den wi ken hef goat babikiu
(g****g******) dets e veri gud adia
(g****g******) wi ken it yo goat tugede
(w******) ai sel tuyu for fifti sen
(g****g******) yo goat is e mel or fimel?
(w******) yu wan mi tu send mai goat in imel?
(w******) nau yu godai
(g****g******) its oke ai wil tek yo goat maisef
(w******) bikos ai wantu stadi
(g****g******) no nid tu imel it
(g****g******) ai wan tu stadi oso

This connection is untrusted. What to do [for inside utp only]

so you get a link from some place(maybe mirc@UTPChat)
you open with your browser and you get this "this connection is untrusted"
what to do???

well, it's common sense actually but there are some people who seem a bit blur.

why does this happen?

you are browsing a webpage with "https", thats why.
the certificate is not trusted because he/she is hosting on they own box and propagating it only inside utp. so there is not relevant to make a trusted one. but if you feel worry about that, it's okay, suit yourself.

if you are using mozilla firefox, here is the steps.

so here it is.

1. click "i understand the risks"

2. click "add exception"

3. wait awhile and click "confirm security exception" (if you can't wait, click get certificate vigorously)

for more information. visit and search ;)